“One in a Million”

I am not one in a million, but it is the millions who live in me.

I hear their painful, helpless, depressing cries.

I feel their beaten, burnt, half-dead bodies.

I read their debased, and innocent minds.

I see their hurt, their abuse, their grief.

I smell their wasted bodies full of drinks and drugs.

I taste their bitterness, their hatred and their disease.


But there is one. One who is a speck of light in the vast stormy ocean of darkness.

Who is this? I must find out. I must. I must. I must.

Yes you can say I am full of sin.

Yes you can say I am full of hatred.

Yes you can say I am full of death.

But it is the light which makes me shine gloriously.

I must find the small speck of light and make it shine.


I see it is a “nobody”. It is a “worthless”. It is an “object”.

But love her all the same.

I hear her sorrowful cries, and her sonorous words.

I feel abused, body, underrated body, and I hear her luminous soul.

I read her scorched and fearful face and I read her innocent mind.

I see her hurt and I see her joy.

I smell the sweat that clings to her skin and I smell the fragrance of spring in her hair.

I taste the dirt in her mouth which clogs her throat and I taste the sweetness of oranges on her lips.


What shall you say then?

Is she still a worthless soul?

No. she is the rose of the thorn bush,

She is the sun of the solar system that hangs in the universe.

She is the apple of my eye.

She is one-of-a-kind,

And I will love her with all my never ending love,

And I will make her shine.


I have heard many a times “you’re beautiful”, and “you are special”.

I don’t believe them. I’ve heard many say you are “one in a million”

But I am not. I am not “one in a million”, but it is the millions who live in me.

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